Frequently Asked Questions
Links To Valuable Resources
Contact Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD)
30 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 1-899-617-6733
Contact Arc of Ohio, NE Branch
3024 Center Rd.
Youngstown, OH 44514
Phone: (330) 707-1134
Contact Ohio Department Job & Family Services
280 North Park Ave.
Warren, OH 44481
Phone: (330) 675-2000
Contact Social Security Administration
258 E. Market St.
Warren, OH 44481
Phone: (866) 964-7339
Contact Help Network of Northeast Ohio
Administrative Offices:
Phone: (330) 747-5111
Fax: (330) 747-4055
Contact Medicaid
Contact Ohio Disability Support
Definitions To Know
What is a waiver?
Offered by The State of Ohio Medicaid program, a waiver allows for the provision of diversified medical and support services in the home, community, and places of employment.
What is ICF?
Intermediate Care Facilities for individuals with intellectual disability (ICF/IID) is an optional Medicaid benefit that enables stats to provide comprehensive and individualized health care and rehabilitation services to individuals to promote their functional status and independence.
What is NMT (non-medical transportation)?
Transportation that is used by waiver enrollees solely to access adult day programs, as specified by their individual service plans (ISP). Gateways may be able to provide Non-Medical Transportation to individuals in Mahoning and Trumbull County for both Gateways Industries locations.
What is the Bill of Rights for Individuals with DD?
The Ohio Revised Code offers specific rights to individuals with developmental disabilities. This is referred to as the Bill of Rights for People with Developmental Disabilities.
Getting Involved with Gateways
Is my loved one eligible?
Your journey begins with your local County Board of Development Disabilities. If you wish to receive services the individual must have a developmental disability and meet the eligibility criteria established by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.
Definition of Developmental Disabilities:
A developmental disability is defined as a severe, chronic disability that:
Is attributable to a mental and/or physical impairment that is not solely caused by mental illness manifested before the age of 22 and is likely to continue indefinitely.
How can I help?
You can make a real impact on someone’s life. There are many ways you can help, whether that’s volunteering your time, giving a gift or making a monetary donation, Gateways to Better Living is appreciative for your support and generosity.